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    Hair Transplant Center in Karachi

    Hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are relocated from the donor site to the receding hairline, addressing baldness. Typically, follicles from the donor area which is resistant to balding, are transplanted to the bald areas. This procedure can also restore eyelashes, eyebrows and beard hair, as well as fill in scars caused by accidents or previous surgeries like face-lifts and previous hair transplants. Once transplanted, these follicles stimulate natural hair growth, resulting in a fuller-looking scalp, imparting a sense of confidence and youthfulness. Various techniques are employed by our doctors at the Hair Transplant Center in Karachi, Pakistan.

    LIASC Hair Transplant Center offers effective solutions for hair loss, whether due to aging or genetic predisposition, ensuring lasting results. Our transplant techniques can restore, reshape, and add density to your hair with natural hairline, utilizing your own natural, growing hairs. You can have wonderful hair that needs no more care than ordinary washing, styling, and trimming. At LIASC Hair Transplant Center in Karachi, we specialize in ultra-refined technique of hair transplant known as FUE follicular unit extraction. By taking advantage of nature’s own building blocks, the LIASC hair transplant technique provides results that are so natural. The transplanted hair is virtually undetectable from your own naturally growing hair. LIASC Hair Transplant Center has perfected this technique so well that even your hair stylist will not know that you have actually had a transplant.

    FUE Transplantation



    Existing Hair


    Beard and Mustache


    FUE Hair Transplant

    Follicular Unit Extraction is also known as FUE is a process in which Follicle Unit is extracted from the scalp through a small incision and transmitted to the affected area. This is the most advanced method available for the Hair transplant in Pakistan that we have available for our customers at Laser Inn. This procedure is less painful and the procedure takes less time. FUE has less recovery time than the traditional strip surgeries which means you can get back to your routine life much earlier than the other methods available.As immature balding is a common issue for both men and women so we want to take pride in telling you that cost of FUE Hair transplant in Pakistan is much less than that abroad. LIASC Hair Transplant Center in Karachi offers this facility of FUE Hair transplant in Karachi for the ease of our customers. However, the cost of Hair transplants at our Hair Transplant Center may vary according to the number of Grafts that are transmitted.

    Hair Transplant Results


    The scientific fact is that most common hair loss is normally caused by genetic reasons. In most cases, an individual’s genetic makeup determines if hair follicles are sensitive to the chemical dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which causes them to shrink. This shrinkage results in overall thinning over time.

    Single Follicle Hair Transplant is one of the safest form or restorative procedures and is free from any kind of risk or complication. Although there is occurrence of mild pain in the donor area post surgery, pain and swelling subsides within three to five days; with patients managing to avoid all side effects if they follow post-operation instructions carefully.

    Transplanted hair has the same age as hair taken from the donor areas, i.e. the back of the scalp, which is usually guaranteed to last for a lifetime. Tissue harvested from a permanent zone ensures that the new hair should stay permanently, making it less likely to fall off after surgery. The body many lose already existing hair, although this can be controlled to a large extent by using medication.

    The patient must strictly adhere to the following post-operative instructions:

    Avoid direct contact with the area of transplantation
    Sleep on their back for a few nights.
    Avoid bowing forward for a couple of days.
    Avoid smoking, coffee and tea for 48 hours post surgery.

    The Laser Inn Aesthetic Surgery Centre (LIASC) has an established success ratio of 93-97%–compatible to the results achieved by top-ranking centers in the USA.

    23+ Years of

    23,000+ Hair Transplant

    95%+ Success

    15+ Certificates
    and Awards

    Schedule a Consultation for Hair Transplant Services

    Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our hair transplant services.